Showing 19–27 of 40 results


iTALC is a remote control system oriented towards computer workshops in schools that teachers can use to monitor the work of their students while they explain the lessons.


A scientific calculator for science, engineering, and mathematics.


MangaMeeya is an easy-to-use comic reader that puts a special emphasis on manga.


Maze Book provides an endless supply of computer generated mazes for kids.


MecaNet is the best way to learn and improve your typing speed. In a very small size, you will find a complete course with practical exercises and a simple and practical environment to learn typing.


With MuseScore you can easily create your own music, listen to it and save professional-looking scores.


Learn to read sheet music with this educational video game.


Publish or Perish (PoP) is a Windows ( 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7) software designed to help academic scholars retrieve and analyze citations. It’s a comprehensive, feature-rich tool that uses several data sources like Microsoft Academic Search (MSA) and Google Scholar (GS) to gather raw data. It then analyzes and presents this data via different metrics like Hirsch’s h-index, contemporary h-index, Egghe g-index, age-weighted citation rate, etc.


QuikGrid is a special extension for Google Chrome that makes it possible for users to create a 2D or 3D grid from a set of scattered data. This can be used for a wide range of different types of applications both professionally and recreationally and helps users to transform data so that it comes to life and can be understood more easily.
