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Featured Products
Virtual Piano is a program that provides users with a virtual MIDi keyboard. This means that they are able to play the piano on their computer simply by using a mouse and spend hours on end playing sweet music and practicing new songs or even making up their own compositions.
Draw.io is a useful art software program. It aims to fill a huge gap in the market, and lets you create diagrams on Windows PCs with ease.
Calibre is a library for eBooks. It has a big, bold interface that's really easy to use, and ebook files of most formats can just be dragged into the Calibre window.
Yacreader is a complete visualizer of comics that can be seen in digital format.
Talking Flashcards aims to improve math, spelling, time-telling, and toddler basics with visual and audio tools. Its simple navigation and a variety of options allow this program to be a favorite of parents and kids.
Learn Relativity Theory with this wonderful interactive physics program named Alice Law.
BoneLab helps users better understand the human body, specifically the skeletal system. With its 3D view and flexibility this program has very few flaws.
Animals for Kids offers pictures and sounds of various animals to help kids learn. With its basic design and operation, young kids can easily master this learning tool, but older kids might want more than Animals for Kids can offer.
Latest Articles
Beyond the Classroom: Expanding Horizons with Educational Software
Educational software has transcended the traditional classroom setting.
Unleashing Learning Potential: Maximizing Educational Software in the Classroom
The ways in which educational software enhances learning experiences.
Unlocking the Potential: The Advantages of Educational Software
Educational software has emerged as a game-changer.